Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I can almost NEVER look people in the eye when we talk. I talk and joke a LOT, but for some reason...?

so how do I do it?....just force myself to?

I know it used to be because I had NO self confidence but now I just keep doing it even though I got confident over the summer.I can almost NEVER look people in the eye when we talk. I talk and joke a LOT, but for some reason...?
practice looking eye to eye with someone ur comfortalble with. If you can't you can look at them while your talking on their third eye. this is the place btween the eyebrows. it still looks like your looking eye to eye even though your not.,I can almost NEVER look people in the eye when we talk. I talk and joke a LOT, but for some reason...?
Maybe you should try to look them in the eye most of the time but you can look away every once and a while. I know that some people get really annoyed when people dont look them in the eye. Try to force yourself to practice a lot. When your practice talking to someone, you become more confident then you already are and your problem will be solved.

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