Friday, December 11, 2009

Why animals blink their eyes when we look in them?

I have often notice, that when i look into an animals eyes they start to blink. I have asked other ppl about this, but the answers where never good and some of them where made up. I want to know why they blink, and is it signifikant.Why animals blink their eyes when we look in them?
why animals blink thier eyes when we're not looking in them, that the real question.

but it all seriousness staring is a sign of challenge in the animal kindom, by blinking and avoiding your gaze they are being submissive.Why animals blink their eyes when we look in them?
I wink at my dogs and they try to wink back. I dont think it has anything significant their just blinking. They cant keep their eyes open that long without blinking.
they blink becuase they dont think you are challenging them. oh and theyre probably bored. haha.
They blink because there seeing if your more domanint or not.
they are alert if something is there

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