Sunday, December 13, 2009

My dogs eye doesnt look good...?

So I woke up this morning and one of my dogs eyes was really squinty and it looked red. I went to make a vet appt, but they are closed on sundays. So I went to work. When I came home she was acting normal. All she wanted to do was play with me. Her eye looked somewhat better, not even as squinty, so I thought she was ok. A little bit later, she started squinting a little again, but not as bad, but she is still acting normal. I did notice that her eye is more watery than usual. She is a bichon/shih tzu so I know that teary eyes are normal, but this doesnt look right. The skin around her eye is also a pinkish color. She is not scratching at it either. Any help would be appriciated!!! I am taking her to the vet tomorrow reguardless, but I just am hopeing to get some kind of a head up and hopefully take some of this stress off of me :-). I have attached some pictures, on from a couple of weeks ago and one of her eye now. Thank you so much!! dogs eye doesnt look good...?
from the picture, it doesnt look like much is wrong, but i cant tell. if shes squinting and her eye is red, there might be a clogged duct or she might have a hair or something in it thats causing irritation.

i suggest squirting her in the face with water (gently). that way either the water will flush out her eye, or she will blink and hopefully get some doggie tears going to flush it out. if its still looking odd tomorrow, make a vet appt.My dogs eye doesnt look good...?
I am not sure but it could be an eye infection.
Probably just a simple eye infection....perhaps something has irritated the the eye and it needs to be flushed out. Sounds like a pretty easy fix. :)
Just looking at the photo, I would guess she has a hair caught under her lid that is irritating.

If you roll back her lower lid gently with a kleenex you might be able to see the hair, but this breed has such fine hair you might not. If you have any CANINE eyewash you might flush her eye with it, but don't use Visene or any other human eye care product.

You can't do much about it tonight, so getting her to the vet tomorrow morning is a wonderful idea!
i was thinking cherry eye but it doesn't look like that. Maybe just some mild eye irritation or a corneal ulcer if the eye appears bluish in color. It may just be an ingrown eyelash. Having the vet check her would be the best thing.

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